John Miller


The lifestyle prescription stands head and shoulders above all other prescriptions for keeping yourself fit and healthy.


By and large, we all start off life healthy. What we do to ourselves after that determines whether we will be come dys-eased or dysfunctional.


Most of the things that happen to us are dysfunctions of particular body systems.


On his death bed Pasteur said, ‘Not the germ, the host’. Look after the host.


When things go wrong with your body there is a cause(s). Finding the cause(s) will then determine what you need to do to restore your body to good health.


Solve small problems before they become big problems.


It's a big ask expecting to stay healthy if you don't keep yourself fit.


It's a big ask expecting to get better by having someone do something to you. Sooner or later you have to do something to yourself.


The Law of Too Much and Too Little


What do you eat too much of and do too much of that causes your body to become dysfunctional? What do you eat too little of and do to little of that causes your body to become dysfunctional?


Dysfunction in one body system may impact on the function of another body system. For example, your anxiety may be the cause of your high blood pressure, irritable bowel, headaches, low libido and stiff neck.


In particular, the mind and the body are intimately connected. In fact the mind is just one of many important and inter-related body systems. How well you look after the whole of your body affects the health of the individual parts.


It's the system stupid!


A large proportion of people are suffering from malnutrition. Eat to nourish the cells of your body and not just fill up your stomach.


It's a big ask expecting to stay healthy while eating a diet of highly refined foods and sugar, and taking in large quantities of socially acceptable drugs.


The body has wonderful innate recuperative powers. Under optimal conditions it will be restored to good health.


Most of the auto-immune dysfunctions are the result of weakened immune systems. Do what ever it takes to maintain the strength of your immune system.


By and large most musculo-skeletal dysfunctions are caused by poor alignment of bones, which in turn comes from dysfunction of muscles. By getting stronger and more flexible and retraining the muscles to do the job they are designed to do there’s a good chance you’ll get your body back into alignment and pain will disappear.


You don't have to be a genius, rocket scientist or medical practitioner to work out what you need to do to stay fit and healthy.


The general causes of poor health and fitness;


  attachment to a fixed way of being




The specific causes:

  lack of physical fitness

  poor diet

  Inability to successfully manage the stress of life and work.


Most people who are unhealthy don’t have a strong enough desire to be healthy. Nor do they have the discipline, determination or persistence to achieve their goal of being fit and healthy.


To choose not to do the things that will keep your fit and healthy until you are not fit and healthy is to do yourself a grave injustice. Your body deserves more respect than that.


Choose to seek out treatments which heal the body and don’t just mask the symptoms.


The original meaning of the word 'doctor' was 'teacher'. Ask your doctor for advice and information on what you can do to yourself to improve your health.


Keep your eyes and mind open for good health advice, particularly about natural healing methods and what you need to do to restore your body to good health.


Your doctor is not the font of all wisdom about healing. Open the doors of perception about

  what you can do to restore your body to good health and keep it that way

  the treatments within a wide range of therapeutic modalities that you can avail yourself of.


Use a wide range of resources, go to a wide range of people. In particular find yourself a good

  physical fitness advisor

  a good nutrition advisor   

  a good stress management advisor.


Be prepared to pay your healers the fair price of their hiring. To do otherwise is to short change both them and yourself.


Don’t go to doctors and therapists for things doctors and therapists can’t heal.


Don’t waste your doctor’s and therapists’ time on trivial complaints that you can deal with yourself.


Keep yourself fit and healthy.



1.       They keep themselves aerobically fit

2.       They keep themselves strong and flexible

3.       They keep themselves flexible.

4.       They eat from the top of the Hourglass

5.       They manage the stress of life

6.       They manage the stress of work.

7.       They meditate.




John Miller


Miller Health Pty Ltd

7 Salvado Place Stirling ACT Australia 2611

- 61 2 6288 7703