Visit the
Global Back Care
website to access the suite of ebooks:
Fix Back pain
Fix Neck Pain
Fix Shoulder Pain
Fix Wrist Pain
Fix Hip Pain
Fix Knee Pain
Fix Achilles and Foot
If you've got a lower back
or other musculo-skeletal pain you've come to the right spot.
Whilst therapy helps speed up the rehab process, it's a big (and
often expensive) ask expecting your body to get better by having
someone do something to you. Sooner or later you're going to have to
do something to yourself.
Ask yourself this question; 'Do I want to get better?
If the answer is 'Yes', then ask yourself the next question 'Am I
prepared to do whatever it takes to get better?'
If you're serious about getting better, you'll start doing the exercises you need to
do to get your body back into alignment and eating the foods,
vitamins, minerals, nutraceuticals, herbs
and spices that contribute to good joint health. You'll steer clear
of the junk foods, particularly foods containing the two white
powders (flour and sugar) that contribute to poor health generally
and joint health in particular.
You'll spend as many hours a day as you can, doing the exercises
designed to gradually get your body back into better alignment.
If you don't have a crook back, your participation in the CrookBackClinic will provide you with the exercise program you need to adopt
to make sure you never get one.
There is an absolute epidemic of musculo-skeletal dysfunction in our
community. In any group of people, around 50% will give themselves
5/10 or less for the current condition of their musculo-skeletal
The number of people with crook backs, stiff necks, frozen
shoulders, bung hips, game legs, dicky knees and limp wrists is
The honour roll of people with artificial hips and knees, (replaced
in the main with the assistance of a public health subsidy) is
growing at an exponential rate. The private and public cost of the lack
of individual strength, flexibility and postural alignment is
By signing up for the CrookBack Clinic you will gain access to
information and resources to assist you to look after your
musculo-skeletal system.
I work on the Pareto principal. For 80% of people I believe that
there is an 80% chance of restoring function back to at least 80% of
what it was, providing you do the right exercises, on a regular and
systematic basis.
Would you be happy if your back got 80% better than it is now? Of
course you would. There is an 80% chance that it will if you start
doing the exercises you will learn in the CrookBackClinic That's
what I did and my back's 97% pain free. 97% of the time I would
never know that I'd every had a crook back.
If you're suffering from
any sort of joint and muscle pain, particularly back, neck, hip and
knee pain it's highly likely that your skeletal system is out
of alignment. You can find out whether that is the case or not by
completing the Clinical Diagnostic Assessment.
If the system is out of
alignment it's pretty much pot luck which particular joint will
experience pain first.
The images immediately below
showcase a number of people with joint and muscle pain and who
were, at the time on workers compensation. Their inability to sit up
straight determines the underlying cause of their complaint. They're
all suffering from a personally-generated pre-condition that's been
brought into the foreground by an incident.
Get the system back into
better alignment and strengthening the muscles that support it gives
you the best chance of relieving joint pain in all your joints.
If you're suffering from back,
neck, hip and knee pain, there's a good chance that
your pelvis has become twisted, dragging the bones above and below it out of
Squaring up your pelvis is
the first place to start in getting your skeletal system back into
better alignment.
When looking for causes of musculo-skeletal dysfunction, bad luck is
regularly tagged as the usual suspect. The real causes,
skeletal system that's out of alignment as illustrated by poor
lack of
general fitness
a lack of flexibility that results in bones being taken out of alignment
a lack of strength
being overweight
... often don't get much of a look in.
The diagnostic regimes are expensive and often of doubtful value.
For the most part all an x-ray does is tell you that bones in your
lower back (neck, hip and knees) are out of alignment. It doesn't tell you what the cause
of the misalignment is.
A photograph
of you in a diagnostic posture - using the Clinical Diagnostic
Assessment - will provide more information about the cause of the
dysfunction than an x-ray.
It has a cause and it can be fixed
Find the cause and you'll be halfway along the track to fixing your
dysfunction. In the Clinical Diagnostic Assessment we'll help you find the
cause of your dysfunction. Once we've identified the cause we'll
work with you to prescribe a suite of exercises to get your skeleton
back into better alignment - and pain free.
When bones are out of alignment, ligaments, tendons, muscles and
disks will all feel the pinch. The pain is telling you to fix the
alignment problem.
Blame a lack of physical activity?
Absolutely! The major cause of musculo-skeletal dysfunction is
motion starvation. We don't move enough. We are not in good enough
physical condition to maintain good function, even in a sit down
job. The body that was designed to climb trees, chop wood and draw
water can no longer push a pen or tap a keyboard without groaning
and travailing in pain!
A good general exercise program that includes aerobic fitness,
strength and flexibility exercises will be enormous beneficial for
most people. Join a fitness centre, get an all round program and get
cracking. In a couple of months you'll feel better - and your back
will feel better as well.
Blame Work?
Hardly! It is drawing a long bow to blame your job for your
musculo-skeletal dysfunction. If you're not strong and flexible
enough to do your job, if you don't keep yourself in good nick, it's
hard to blame work!
Most of the people I see with sore shoulders, necks and arms are not
keeping themselves strong or flexible enough to tap a keyboard or
push a pen without becoming dysfunctional. That it should come to
Blame the office furniture and equipment?
Doubtful! Bad workmen have always blamed their tools. Most of the
people I see with crook backs already have good office furniture.
Blame over-use?
On the contrary? Occupational over-use is caused by under-use. You
don't do enough of the right strength and flexibility exercises to
meet the needs of your job.
Blame Your Age?
Another myth! It doesn't matter what age you are. (In fact the older
you are the fitter you ought to be, you've had longer to train!!!)
Blame Your Food?
Maybe! It's quite possible that some musculo-skeletal and
particularly arthritic complaints are diet related. The nation that
started off lean and tough and wiry has ended up fat, weak and
miserable, addicted to the high fat, starch, sugar, caffeine and
alcohol diet. Steer clear of foods containing the two white powders.
Blame Your Weight?
Yessiree! Even being a little overweight can alter your balance and
tip your body out of alignment. A crook back goes with a fat guts.
Blame The Stress Of Life?
Sure can! It is well known that when we get anxious muscles tighten
up. Tight muscles become sore muscles. They start to pull unevenly
on bones. You end up with misalignment, leading eventually to
dysfunction and pain.
Blame your doctor
Maybe, if all you get from your doctor is a pain killing drug and
the advice to go home and rest.
Back pain is not caused by a lack of Celebrex, Valium, Voltarin,
Vioxx, Mersyndol, Nurofen, Ibuprofen or heat!
Blame yourself
Probably. If you've been
taught the exercises that need
to be done to get your body back into better alignment, and you
don't do them.
Don't ask what your doctor/pharmacist/therapist can do for you, ask
what you can do for yourself.
It's a big ask expecting your body to get better by having someone
do something to you; sooner or later you have to do something to
Passive manipulative therapy may make your condition feel better for a while. But if
your body is not getting stronger it's getting weaker. If it's not
getting looser it's getting tighter and sooner or later there is a
high likelihood the dysfunction will reappear and the pain will come
back to haunt you.
By taking part in the CrookBackClinic you'll be able to complete
the musculo-skeletal risk screen and the clinical diagnostic
assessment and get a good idea of why
you've become dysfunctional and what you need to do to fix yourself
It's a very big ask expecting to get better without doing some
strength and flexibility exercises. In the Back in Alignment Clinic we show
you the exercises you need to do to get your body back into
We treat the body as an ecosystem. What this means is that if
something goes wrong with one part it may affect another pare,
That's why tight calf, hamstring and buttock muscles are frequently
the principal cause of lower back and neck pain.
Being an ecosystem we encourage people to maintain a regular and
systematic strength training program at the gym and spend some time
at the end of these sessions doing some flexibility exercises. We
teach you the ones we consider to be crucial to keeping your body in
better alignment.
Of course, the best flexibility classes are run by yoga teachers.
Strength Exercises
You'll learn which strength exercises to use in the gym and which
ones to use at home. There are four exercises that stand head and
shoulders above others for keeping the major parts of your body
strong and helping to fix up a crook back.
You'll learn which strength exercises to use in a fitness centre, so
you can get the most effective workout in the shortest possible
time. Don't let fitness centres intimidate you. Just go and do what
you have to do - which is an aerobic workout, a strength workout and
a flexibility workout.
Flexibility Exercises
You'll learn which flexibility exercises you can do at home or after
the aerobic and strength components of your gym workout. Here's a
few key ones for starters.
Flexibility refers to the ability to maintain a wide range of
movement about the joints of the body. When they are not stretched
regularly, muscles and tendons become tighter and the range of
movement around the joints decreases. The implications for postural
alignment are wide-reaching, because if one muscle is pulling
tighter than another, bones can be moved out of alignment. Sooner or
later you experience pain in one or more joints.
We violate the design sense every minute of every hour of every
day. By so doing, the body cannot operate according to design; the
functions go into limbo and are never utilized again. This
inevitably and inexorably leads to pain.
Pete Egoscue 'Pain Free'
So we see that the lower back is often stuck in the middle of a
wide variety of passions, conflicts and psychosomatic needs. It is
not surprising, then, to discover that so many people have
accumulated a great deal of stress and tension in this region.
Ken Dychtwald 'Bodymind'
The muscles contract as a result of an unending series of
impulses from the nervous system; for this reason the muscular
pattern of the upright position, facial expression and voice reflect
the condition of the nervous system.
Moshe Feldenkrais 'Awareness Through Movement
Because the national
diet becomes increasingly deficient and because it is difficult to
rid oneself of stresses, particularly unconscious mental ones,
arthritis will undoubtedly always be with us.
Adelle Davis 'Let's Get Well'
Wellness includes both awareness and the willingness to take
responsibility for decisions we make in our best interests. It does
not necessarily mean the absence of disease but rather taking
responsibility for the diseases we decide to have.
John Harrison 'Love your Disease'
Unfortunately the pain killers and anti-inflammatories have
problems. They temporarily relieve pain, but in the long run they
simply cover up the symptoms while the disease progresses further.
Jason Theodosakis 'The Arthritis Cure'
It is wrong to treat a
painful back as a local condition. Back pain is always accompanied
and preceded by general mis-use.
Wilfred Barlow 'The Alexander Principle'
What is the best treatment for arthritis and allied conditions?
The simple, logical and practical answer is: elimination of irritant
metabolic waste products.
Bernard Aschner 'Arthritis Can be Cured'
The other good news is that you can do most of the rehabilitation
yourself. Phase by less painful phase you can steer yourself back
out of the maze where you have been stumbling about for so long.
Sarah Keys 'Back Sufferers' Bible'
Behind each improvement
that can be attributed to 'technology' there lies a powerful human
George Leonard 'The Ultimate Athlete'
If you take part in the CrookBackClinic we'll give you great
encouragement to develop a strategy to fix yourself up. You'll be
encouraged to answer these questions.
What is the likely cause(s) of my musculo-skeletal dysfunction?
Until you've found the cause it's going to be a
tough assignment to find the cure. |
What am I going to do about it? |
When am I going to do it? |
Who am I going to do it with? |
How long am I going to do it for? |
The most important question though is, 'Do I want to get better?' If
you do, welcome to the Back in Alignment Clinic.
The second most important thing to do is create a vision for what
you want to feel like and look like. You want to be restored to good
musculo-skeletal function, right? Then imagine yourself restored to
good function. Start with the end in mind.
Thirdly, set goals for what you're going to do to achieve your
vision. When do want to be restored by? Next month, next year or
next decade? Make a choice. Attend a CrookBackClinic. Learn what do
and then start doing it.
If you want to be in good shape do what people in good shape do to
keep themselves that way.
If you take part in the Back In Alignment program you'll learn the exercise
secrets that thousands of people have put into action to get
themselves back into good shape and then stay in good shape.
Are you ready for a breakthrough or more of the same? If you keep
doing what you've always done you'll continue to get what you've
always got.
Most people aim at nothing in particular in life and achieve their
aim with remarkable accuracy. Set yourself the goal of getting
better and getting better quickly.
If you are suffering from musculo-skeletal pain, the good news is
that for 80% of people, the right amount of the right exercise,
coupled with the right diet will restore 80% of the function and
leave you relatively pain free.
80% of musculo-skeletal dysfunction is eminently fixable, providing
you work at it.
Wouldn't you like to be 80% better than you are now?
Back in Alignment Clinic
Miller Health
7 Salvado Place Stirling ACT