Metabolic fitness


Musculo-skeletal fitness


Mental fitness


The assessments


My Fitness Record booklet







The assessments are divided into 5 categories


1.  General


2.  Metabolic fitness


3.  Fitness - aerobic, strength and flexibility


4.  Diet and chemical intake


5.  Wellbeing







For centuries whenever Australians have met they've been asking each other 'ow-y-garn'. One word. The usual response is 'not-bad-ows-y-self'.


Can you think of two more negative words to string together to describe how you feel than 'not' and 'bad'.


Because you're response is private, the 100 point 'how are you going' scale will enable you to give a more precise answer to the question.

The scale goes from zero (dreadful) through to 100 (absolutely fantastic).



This is the question that people ought to be invited to answer whenever they use a automatic teller machine. The results would provider of the evening news with a useful metric on the heath, fitness and wellbeing of the nation.



The mind is just one of many body systems in a complex ecosystem. The mind and the rest of the body systems are intimately connected. For instance, when we get mentally stressed, the stress registered in the mind is relayed to other parts of the body via the autonomic nervous system.


Conversely when one of the other body systems becomes stressed, the stress is relayed to the mind. You may not realize how stressed you are until you complete the Health Climate Survey - but your body does. This explains the close relationship between metabolic fitness and mental fitness. The body is incapable of dishonesty!







Blood pressure is one of a number of key indicators of the metabolic fitness. It's something you can measure every day at home. When it's all boiled down, elevated blood pressure is telling you to improve your physical condition and reset your autonomic nervous system.


High blood pressure is not caused by a lack of Amlodipine!




Glucose is the main source of energy for our bodies.


Diabetes occurs when there’s too much glucose in the blood. This happens when the body cannot produce enough insulin, or use it properly.

To ensure our glucose/insulin mechanisms are working properly, we need to eat wisely and exercise frequently, both aerobic and strength training.


Adult onset diabetes is not caused by a lack of Metformin!





Cardio vascular disease is the leading cause of death in the Western world. Too much cholesterol can clog the arteries supplying blood to the heart and other parts of the body and result in a heart attack or stroke.


There are two types of lipoproteins involved in a total cholesterol test, high density lipoprotein (the good cholesterol) and low density lipoprotein (the bad cholesterol.)


It is usually the case that when total cholesterol readings are high that it is the 'bad cholesterol that is the culprit. A high reading is the red light, warning you to go and have it tested properly.


High cholesterol levels are not caused by a lack of Atorvastatin!



The 20m run test of aerobic fitness is the simplest, most discriminating and easy to administer test of your metabolic fitness.


All you have to do is mark out to lines 20 metres apart and see how many laps you can complete in 5 minutes. You can walk, shuffle, jog or run.


This is the test that medical, fitness and allied health practitioners should be taking their clients through on a regular basis.


You can do it yourself.





The Western world is experiencing an over weight epidemic. Keep track of your weight, aiming to get closer to what you believe is your ideal weight.





Whilst keeping track of your weight is important, tracking your percent body fat will give you a clearer idea of how close you are to your ideal weight.


Less than 25% for men and 35% for women is acceptable.


Less that 20% for men and 30% for women is closer to your ideal weight.


There are now scales available that will link automatically to the Fitbit smart watch and phone app.





The Fitbit aerobic fitness zone points enables you to measure how much aerobic fitness activity you do each day/week/month. It is based on a formula the includes frequency (number of times a week), duration (of each workout) and intensity (based heart rate)


If while exercising your heart rate exceeds (circa) 60% of your age-related maximum (220 minus age), you get one point per minute. If it exceeds (circa) 75% of your maximum, you receive 2 points per minute.


50 points per day is a fair and reasonable target to attain and maintain a good level of aerobic fitness.


Steps is good. Steps with aerobic zone points is better.



The metabolic fitness assessment is designed to provide insight into whether or not you are already suffering from the ravages of general metabolic dysfunction The causes stick out like a sore thumb – sedentary lifestyle, a toxic environment and a reliance on a mixture of fat, flour, sugar and potato to fuel your body.

General metabolic dysfunction, stimulated by growing levels of insulin in the body are triggering all manner of body system dysfunctions.






- aerobic fitness, strength and flexibility


It’s a very big ask in our culture expecting to stay healthy without keeping yourself fit. Knowing how fit you are is critical to establishing how healthy you are.

There are any number of compelling reasons to keep yourself fit. For starters aerobic fitness is the foundation of good metabolic health. It’s also a key driver in supporting good mental fitness.

The musculo-skeletal dysfunctions are driven by a lack of strength and flexibility.


The fitness assessment is an all round test the includes aerobic fitness strength and flexibility components.



The Universal Fitness Test is designed to encourage people to keep themselves fit and healthy to the best of their ability. The test is suitable for use by ‘regular folks’, elite force personnel, school students and sporting teams.

It’s an essential medical diagnostic assessment tool for determining health status. A medical check-up that includes parameters like blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose is seriously deficient if it doesn’t include a test of aerobic fitness, strength and flexibility.

People who can reach the ‘gold standard’ are definitely in 'fit for work' condition.




It’s frequently the case that when people have pain in one region of their musculo-skeletal system, they also have twinges in other areas that need attention. 80% of all joint and muscle pain is a symptom that the skeleton is out of alignment and lacking support from (weak) muscles.


How out of alignment and how poorly supported by muscles will be shown up in a specific joint assessment.


The good news is that for 80% of people there's an 80% chance they can get themselves back to 80% of 'good nick' in around 80 days if they're diligent.


Click here to record your scores.




The Ten Point Musculo-skeletal Risk assessment provides individuals and organisations with an audit of current and future risk of coming down with joint and muscle pain – plus the tools they need to get their skeleton back into better alignment ands their muscles strong enough to do every tasks without breaking down.


The tools are called strength and flexibility exercises. The only catch is that you have to do them yourself, you can’t subcontract out a strength and flexibility training program to a massage therapist!





For 80% of people, joint and muscle pain is personally generated. Tight muscles, particularly those attached to the pelvis have taken the pelvis and the bones above and below it out of alignment.


Ligaments, tendons and muscles have been stretched beyond their pain threshold. The pain is telling people to get themselves back into better alignment by loosening off the tight muscles. The pain is not caused by a lack of rubbing, crunching, heating, vibrating, doping or surgery.


The pain is telling people to loosen the tight muscles off.


The Clinical Diagnostic Assessment involves watching how well people can adopt a number of diagnostic postures. thereby determining which muscles are tight.

At the end of the assessment people are taught a range of flexibility exercises designed to loosen off tight muscles and given a download link to the Global Back Care suite of ebooks.







We’re living in age of personally-generated body system dysfunctions. What that means is that as a society generally we’re not eating enough of the right food at the right time – and not getting enough exercise.

In earlier times the sage might have said that it was the love of junk food that was the root of all kinds of evil. Certainly it is now the root of all kinds of body system dysfunction.

However, the good news is that if the body has become compromised by poor food choices, then there is a good chance that the body’s innate recuperative power can be stimulated by a diet of good food.


Click here to record your scores.



Socially accepted drug use, including pharmaceuticals has become an integral part of our culture, particularly by people who are either over-stimulated or under-stimulated by their lives. The effects on the body can be both acute and chronic. Take this survey to determine whether you’re squeaky clean in this department.





This profile is based on the habits of unstressed people. If you do what unstressed people do to manage their stress, then there’s every chance you’ll keep the stress of your life under control.


Here are a couple of quotes to get you focused, the first from the first century by Epictetus: ‘It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.’ The second comes from Joshua Simpson in 2020: ‘The problem with work is that it makes time go by too fast. The more you do, the more there is to do.



This profile is based on the habits of people who are in the right job and love their work. They have a clear direction as to the course of their career. They're happy with where they are on the career staircase.

Wouldn’t it be good to have a job that you loved so much you’d do it for nothing, but which you did so well you’d be paid handsomely? Find that job and both the Buddha and Confucius said you don’t have to do another day’s work in your life.



Are you living the life you’d like to live?

Are you a power in your own life? Are you a power in the lives of other people?

Are you getting enough of what you want and need to live a fit, healthy, rich and fulfilling life?

Find out by completing this profile.



For most people, but not all, family is important, and if things go wrong in the family it is often with long lasting consequences. It is hard enough growing up in, or being a member of a functional family, let alone a dysfunctional one.

Like many of the other profiles, if you do the things people with a healthy family life do, then chances are you’ll be happy with what ever sort of family life you desire.

Like all successful sporting teams, what most families probably need is a good coach!



Being broke is major source of stress. Look after your finances.

Financial health is an integral part of the rich and fulfilling life. We need a financial plan that enables us to live in the manner to which we are accustomed (or to which we aspire) now, and in the future.

The laws of financial freedom are about as long as your arm. How well do you understand these laws and how well are you applying them? If you don’t know them you run the risk of staying broke or going broke.


Look after your finances.



Close personal relationships with other people facilitates good health and helps us to become less stressed.

The support of families and friends acts as a buffer against the impact of stressful events. Talking about our problems, fears and tensions is a good way of getting a handle on them.

We get stressed because of our particular personality make-up and how that personality interacts with the personalities of other people in certain, often predictable ways.





My Fitness Record

A Miller Health project

7 Salvado Place, Stirling (Canberra) ACT 2611 Australia

61 2 6288 7703