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John Miller



 - driving fitness into the frontline of primary health care -

- driving people into fitness centres -





Benefits of Physical Activity






Aerobic Fitness






Day by day in every way I'm getting better and better






Instant calmer






Free inner mental training sleep technique audio file








Aerobic Fitness Zone Training System







This is my story






Driving fitness into the frontline of primary health care



















Hi, I'm Canberra-based physical educator John Miller.


We're living in strange times.


Our governments spend more money that ever before on 'health' and yet people have never been more unhealthy.


We're in a cleft stick.


On the one hand there's a struggle between our need to move more and more and our desire to purchase machines and gadgets that allow us to move less and less.


On the other hand the food manufacturing industry as perverted the course of healthy eating in communities around the world, serving their customers in the shortest possible time and giving them the biggest possible energy bang for the least number of bucks.


When you click on the links below, you'll be taken to my websites. You'll need to click on the back button at the top of your screen to get back to here.

About John Miller














Keeping yourself fit and healthy


We are indeed living in strange times.


1. We're living in an age of personally generated metabolic, musculo-skeletal and psychological dysfunction; that's the bad news.


The good news is that if these dysfunctions are personally generated then there's a fair likelihood they can be personally 'ungenerated'.


2. We're living in the age of motion starvation. We're not getting enough exercise to keep ourselves fit and healthy. Along with diet, physical fitness is the foundation of good metabolic (and mental) health. In the sit down society is well nigh impossible to stay healthy without a regular and systematic aerobic fitness, strength and flexibility training program.


I read somewhere that oxygen can be regarded as a form of food. It's an essential nutrient required by every cell in the body if the body is to function at an optimal level. It's vigorous aerobic fitness activity that 'turbocharges' your intake of oxygen.


3. We're living in the junk food era where refined, manufactured food has become the standard fare for many people. It's cheap, tasty and packed with energy. (400 gms of chocolate is more than enough to power the body for a day.) What junk food doesn't do is nourish the cells of your body. It's a high energy, low 'octane' diet.


4. We're living in the age of junk medicine, where drugs are used to mask the symptoms of personally-generated body system dysfunctions with no intention of restoring poor function to good. The health of the drug consumer gets worse. Sooner or later a small problem becomes a big problem.


There are a few things you need to be aware of if you're going to keep yourself fit and healthy.


First, it's a big ask expecting to be healthy without keeping yourself fit.


Second it's also a big ask expecting to stay healthy if the food you eat isn't nourishing the cells of your body.


Third, it's a big ask expecting to get better by having someone do something to you; sooner or later you have to do something to yourself.


Now click on the logos on the side panel to go to my websites and view a selection of my websites which are designed to give you some of the tools to keep yourself in exceptionally good condition.



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John Miller


Miller Health Pty ltd

7 Salvado Place Stirling ACT Australia 2611.

- 61 2 6288 7703 -

